
Welcome To Slackerhacks.Net

First off, thank you for stopping by. I created this site when I decided to try my hand at learning Django. Web development has advanced so much since I learned HTML and CSS many, many moons ago, so I told myself I should get familiar with something recent, even though I’m not a web developer. I chose Django because of my familiarity with Python, and I chose to build an actual site because I never liked how programming courses taught concepts using code snippets that weren’t much good in and of themselves, but never actually showed you how to write code that did something useful. I’m hoping someone will find something useful here, in this collection of solutions to recurring problems I have encountered in the 20 plus years I have been running Linux as my daily driver and a few others I have run across in a production environment.

Slackware is my preferred distro. It was my second distro and the only distro installed on any machine that I own. I chose Slackware in early 2002, before RedHat became RHEL and the birth of Fedora. When Linux was still considered a ‘hacker’s tool’ by pretty much everyone who wasn’t running Linux. It’s what I’m used to at this point, and where I’m most productive. I don’t have anything against any of the other Linux distros; I’ve had to use the Big Brothers or one of their derivatives at various times because my job required me to do so, and it’s all the same to me for the most part. I don’t understand all of the fuss, when the major difference between distros is the desktop environment one chooses to use and package management. From a terminal  there’s very little difference, and that’s where I do most of my work.

That being said, most of the commands that are found on this site should run on most distros without issues. Anything that may be specific to Slackware will be noted as such, though that will be few and far in between. I aim for the information I provide to be as distro neutral as possible, the only requirement being a BASH shell. My main focus is to provide solutions that work, anyplace, anytime. Hopefully someone will find the help they are looking for somewhere on this site.

 -- Juan Kenobi  

October 2024